Monday, September 23, 2013

Parents’ Feedback given in response to “Message from the Principal (1)” dated 2nd September 2013

Between Parents and School
Maintaining good and open communication between the School and parents is essential for the students to adapt to the secondary school life smoothly.

Better time control for Parents meeting class teacher during Parents’ Day.

Held more parents lecture.

It is my honor to express my opinion on Munsang College towards the administration and school policy.  In fact, I feel that Munsang College has provided a certain amount of activities and resources to the students who study there.  Also, throughout the teachers’ well teaching and the cooperation of the administration team, Munsang College has become a perfect school for learning.  Thank you!

Parents and school are very close partners during the learning process of our kids.  Whilst we will rely on the school to teach our children in the school and with full support given by us, we do believe maintaining frank and open contact and communication between the school and parents will enable us to understand our children’s learning process better.  For any problems or difficulties encountered by the student in his/her learning, we do hope we can be informed timely so that our proper attention can be drawn.

On the other hand, we also expect the students should be allowed to express their ideas/opinions freely in the school, same as what they do at home so that their ability of critical thinking can be developed.

Thank you.


另外亦明白到老師的教學是十分忙碌的,所以要他們花時間去與家長溝通或許有難度,但他們這忙碌不正正是為了要教好我們的子女嗎? 我相信學業重要,但品德更重要。


On parents’ day, the time allocated for the discussion between the class teachers and parents is not enough.

Students’ Learning
When there is PE lesson, students may choose to wear sport shoes instead of normal black shoes.


請容許我對中文及通識科上發表一些我的意見。這兩科可否參考中史及Science科給予學生所有作業及工作紙的model answer 以給學生學習到要求答案的重點及答案寫作的技巧。尤其是中國語文的啟思工作紙,去年每個單元也不是完全蓋覆,雖然老師會在堂上給學手抄答案或某些會附在網上列出,但希望校方在學期完結後,能把全冊課文及工作紙的答案供給學生暑假時再溫習。希望校方能多學生們的答題技巧。

至於通識科Longman作業能給予答案附檔是最理望,因看到我兒全級排行XX/176的成績已是很差(我個人認為),有一次接小學放學時有幾個中四、五的民生同學對剛考完通識科說考這科次次都是老作,但高中通識內容有指引,我兒F.2通識老師也有答題技巧訓練,但是為何他們仍然好像迷失方向般? 何知通識是那麼重要。他們好像認為只要大都唔識就好似無問題,我作為師姐,我心想:「你們怎能光大我民生?」,包括我兒在內。

Dear Principal,
I suggest to have weekly news cutting for all F.4 students to express their thoughts and opinions.  It can enrich the English standard and somewhat close to the theme of the current DSE’s Curriculum – demolish the traditional learning methodology that is “Give” and “Take” and replace by explore, innovate and adapt to keep pace with the ever changing world.

I hope that the syllabus can be covered (completed) as early as possible so that the students can have more time (most probably, making use of the summer holiday) to do the revision as DSE is coming very close for F.6 classes.  I prefer more time for “drilling” the exam paper, discussion or “Self-study” for F.6 classes.


Resources Management
Would like to suggest the followings:-
To enhance environmentally friendly concept, and also using less paper, can we full in the form through inputting into computer, next time.

To strengthen a green school life is very important.

希望音樂室可以租借 (在考音樂試前,方便練習)

Pls improve washroom hygiene.

1.   是否可以把民生聲改以DVD形式出版,既可減少紙張印刷嚮應環保理念,亦可便於收藏。
2.   是否可以減少每年派發全新的塑膠Folder,因為舊的Folder重用性很高,可按同學需要自行購買,以免棄掉造成浪費。

May you please kindly fix the air conditioning systems of H403 6C classroom as soon as possible.

Please Fix H403’s Air-Cons.

Please fix H403’s air-cons.

Tong fai & Fee are too high.  It’s better to reduce them.

Please explain in details how the $900 of “Learning Resources” is spent.

The length of S.6 academic term time is much shorter than that of S.1 – S.5, why do S.6 students need to pay the same amount of “Learning Resources” and “Fees for Specific Purposes (e.g. electricity”?)

Please kindly explain.

Please Fix H403’s Air-Cons.

Please fix H403’s air-cons.

Keep the students information strictly confidential and destroy the record (hard copy) if the students leave the school.

Student Registration Card issue:
Please reprint the Student Registration Card of old student for reference.  Is it possible just make changes to the items which have altered status?

Dear Principal,

When I looked at the “Message form the Principal” last year, there was a report of HKDSE result 2012.  I feel quite disappointed that I can’t find any in this year.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Munsang College - Consultation Forums for Campus Development Project

5th September 2013

Dear Parents,

Campus Development Project - Consultation Forums

I must express my most sincere gratitude for the keen involvement and precious opinions different stakeholders tendered us in the consultation forums and focus group meetings held in the past few months.

At the moment, we are still evaluating the various alternatives available which have entailed an extensive variety of design considerations. In this regard, two more consultation forums have been scheduled with details as below:

Consultation Forum 1

Date: 14th September 2013 (Saturday)
Time: 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Venue: Lim Por Yen Hall, Munsang College
8 Dumbarton Road, Kowloon City, Kowloon

Consultation Forum 2

Date: 27th September 2013 (Friday)
Time: 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Venue: Lim Por Yen Hall, Munsang College
8 Dumbarton Road, Kowloon City, Kowloon

Your input is of utmost importance if we are to come up with a design which will support the long-term development of the school and at the same time accommodate the interests of different stakeholders.

We look forward to listening to you in the above-mentioned consultation forums and having your unfailing support to the project.

Best regards,
Munsang College